communionFirst Communion

  1. Our parish offers Sacramental Preparation programs to support and encourage parents in their role as the primary teachers and models of the faith. This includes parent orientation, classes/retreats for parents and children to attend together, as well as scheduling dedicated study time together at home, prior to reception of the Sacraments. (Workbook and study materials are included with your registration.)
  2. At OLPH, First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion are offered when a child is grade 2 or First Communion means that this will be the first time that a child is participating “fully” in the Mass by receiving the Eucharist. Just like we begin every Mass by praying the Penitential (Act of Contrition) to prepare our hearts to receive Jesus in the Eucharist, First Reconciliation must be completed prior to First Holy Communion.
  3. OLPH offers three sessions of preparation for these sacraments per year. Space in each class is limited. Additional instructions will be provided by email once you are registered. YOU MUST ATTEND ALL THE ACTIVITIES LISTED FOR WHICHEVER SESSION YOU SELECT.


4. TO REGISTER: Complete registration form and return to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish by email ( ) or drop off in person at the parish office (open daily 7:30 am – 7:30 pm) Please include a copy of your child’s BAPTISM CERTIFICATE (required) and your $30 registration fee. Workbooks will be provided to take home from your first Parent Meeting after Opening Mass.

5. Registration fee may be paid by one of the following methods:

$30 Interac (include your child’s name and which sacrament in the msg. section) OR

$30 Cheque #______           $30 Cash        $30 Debit/Credit