Children (Pre-School and Elementary)


OLPH YOUTH includes our Unite (junior high) and Veritas (high school) groups. Click the blue button to learn more.

OLPH Parish is devoted to the mentoring and encouraging of our youth as they navigate the way to adulthood and in return we as a community are incredibly blessed to be surrounded by our youth. To find out more or to participate in these activities please contact Tricia Murphy at 780-467-5470 or 

Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide:  The Catholic View

 Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide:  The Catholic View

Thank you to everyone (approximately 500 parishioners and visitors)  who attended the evening on Monday, April 30.  A special thank you to our panel of Father Jim, Sister Zoe and Father Eamon for answering many questions and providing additional information for thought.  Thank you as well to everyone who provided baking for the hospitality afterwards – how generous you were and how plentiful was the feast!  God bless you all.

Many people asked how they could view the documentary The Euthanasia Deception.  It can be rented or purchased at or

The producers of The Euthanasia Deception, the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, are releasing a new film on May 8 called Fatal Flaws. To watch the trailer or pre-order copies of the video, go to:  This is another very powerful film about the impact of assisted suicide laws on society.

More information is also available through the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition @

Abuse in the Church-a Pastoral Response

Abuse in the Church-a Pastoral Response

Please click on the link below to see the guidelines put forth by the Canadian Council of Catholic Bishops on Thursday, October 4th, 2018

Please click on the link below to see the Catholic Bishops of Alberta response to the child sex abuse scandal in the United States.

Alberta-NWT Catholic Bishops response to Pennsylvania abuse report (002)…